Do you use twitterfeed?
I just set it up for all of my blogs - and included this one as well ... so in theory, whenever there are new posts (by anyone, not just me) they should get fed to Twitter automatically.
If you do use twitterfeed, and want to add it as well, please feel free.
Oh, and I'm flitting on Twitter, if you want to add me :) I don't go there a whole lot, but I do follow anyone that follows me.
I'll contemplate doing this. I already tweet the posts I consider most interesting to my Twitter followers, so it may not be entirely necessary in my case. But I like the idea very much.
I rarely remember to tweet my posts... or I do remember but just can't be bothered ... so I was happy to get the twitterfeed thing set up.
It's great for lazy people without attention spans LOL
I love twitterfeed. I so often forget to tweet my blog posts, so I think it's wonderful.
oh, and I'm azwritergal over at twitter
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